Archaeology, Landscape, Social Memory and Place Names
Suggested Bibliography
related to the Archaeolore project

Lara Bacelar Alves
Bettencourt, Ana M. S.; Alves, Lara Bacelar; Ribeiro, André Tomé; Menezes, André Teles. "Space of memory and representation: Bouça da Cova da Moura (Ardegães, Maia, Northwest of Portugal): a case study". 2010
Reis, Mário; Alves, Lara Bacelar. "Memoriais de pedra, símbolos de identidade. Duas novas peças escultóricas de Cervos (Montalegre)". Trabalho apresentado em Estelas e estátuas-menires: da Pré à Proto-história, Sabugal, 2009.
Alves, Lara Bacelar. "Geographies of the Invisible. Rock art, memory and ancestral topologies in Western Iberia". In Rock art and memory in the transmission of cultural knowledge, editado por Leslie Zubieta. Suiça: Springer, 2022.
Alves, Lara Bacelar. "The act of creation. Tangible engagements in the making and ‘remaking’ of prehistoric rock art". In Images in the Making, editado por Andrew M. Jones; Ing-Marie Back Danielsen, 168-183. Manchester, Reino Unido: Manchester University Press, 2020.
Alves, Lara Bacelar. "Circular images and sinuous paths. Engaging with the biography of rock art research in the Atlantic façade of north-west Iberia". In Image, memory and monumentality: archaeological engagements with the material world. A celebration of the academic achievements of Professor Richard Bradley, editado por Andy Jones; Joshua Pollard, 260-272. Oxford, Reino Unido: Oxbow Books, 2012.
Alves, Lara Bacelar. "Signs on a rock veil: work on rocks, ‘prehistoric art’ and identity in north-west Iberia". In Materialitas: working stone, carving identity, 169-180. Oxford, Reino Unido: Oxbow Books in association with UCD Humanities Institute of Ireland, Oxford, 2009.
Alves, Lara Bacelar. "Rock Art and Enchanted Moors: the significance of rock carvings in the folklore of north-west Iberia". In A Permeability of Boundaries? New approaches to the Archaeology of Art, Religion and Folklore, 71-78. Oxford, Reino Unido: British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 2001.
Conceptualising Space and Place. On the role of agency, memory and identity in the construction of space from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Iron Age in Europe. Oxford, Reino Unido: BAR. International Series. 2010.
Alves, Lara Bacelar. "Arqueologia e Tradição Oral | Archaeology and Oral tradition". Prefácio para Arqueologia e Tradição Oral, editado por Vieira, Alexandra, 7-9. Porto, Portugal: CITCEM - Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memória. 2023.
Nunn, P.D. 2018. The Edge of Memory: Ancient Stories, Oral Tradition and the Post-Glacial World. London: Bloomsbury Sigma, 288 pages. [audio book published simultaneously]
Nunn, P.D. 2021. Worlds in Shadow: Submerged Lands in Science, Memory and Myth. London: Bloomsbury Sigma, 352 p.
Journal articles and book chapters (peer-reviewed)
Hamacher, D., Nunn, P.D., Gantevoort, M., Taylor, R., Lehman, G., Law, K.H.A. and Miles, M. 2023. The archaeology of orality: dating Tasmanian Aboriginal oral traditions to the Late Pleistocene. Journal of Archaeological Science, 159: 105819.
Lancini, L., Nunn, P.D., Nanuku, M., Tavola, K., Bolea, T., Geraghty, P. and Compatangelo-Soussignan, R. 2023. Driva Qele / Stealing Earth: Oral Accounts of the Volcanic Eruption of Nabukelevu (Mt Washington), Kadavu Island (Fiji) ~2500 Years Ago. Oral Tradition, 36(1), 63-90.
Nunn, P.D. 2019. Negotiating and remembering the end of the world: insights into ancient people’s responses to sea-level rise. « Négocier » et se souvenir de la fin du monde: des aperçus des réponses des anciens habitants des côtes à la remontée du niveau des mers. Norois: Environnement, Aménagement, Société, 251, 15-26. [paper was subject of a feature article in New Scientist on 13 February 2020].
Nunn, P.D. 2020. In anticipation of extirpation: how ancient peoples rationalized and responded to postglacial sea-level rise … and why it matters. Environmental Humanities, 12(1), 113-131.
Nunn, P.D. 2022. First a wudd, and syne a sea: postglacial coastal change of Scotland recalled in ancient stories. Scottish Geographical Journal, 138(1-2), 73-102. [Winner of the 2023 Marion Newbigin Prize from the Royal Scottish Geographical Society].
Nunn, P.D. and Cook, M. 2022. Island tales: culturally-filtered narratives about island creation through land submergence incorporate millennia-old memories of postglacial sea-level rise. World Archaeology, 54(1): 29-51. [focus on article in Hakai Magazine and The Atlantic].
Nunn, P.D. and Kumar, R. 2022. ‘A once capacious haven’: what happened to Calicut (Malabar coast of India) AD 1335-1887. International Review of Environmental History 8(2): 29-49.
Nunn, P.D. and Compatangelo-Soussignan, R. 2024. The drowning of ‘Lyonesse’: early legends of land submergence in southwest Britain as geoscience. Folk Life: Journal of Ethnological Studies, 62(1): 1-17.
Nunn, P.D., Lancini, L. and Compatangelo-Soussignan, R. 2022. Lessons from Catastrophe: Risk Management in Oral Societies / Les leçons de la catastrophe: la gestion du risque dans les sociétés de culture orale. In: Compatangelo-Soussignan, R., Diosono, F. and Le Blay, F. (eds.). Living with Seismic Phenomena in the Mediterranean and Beyond between Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp 83-92.
Nunn, P.D., Creach, A., Gehrels, R., Bradley, S.L., Armit, I., Stéphan, P., Sturt, F. and Baltzer, A. 2021. Observations of postglacial sea-level rise in northwest European traditions. Geoarchaeology, 37(4): 577-593.
Nunn, P.D., Lancini, L., Franks, L., Compatangelo-Soussignan, R. and McCallum, A. 2019. Maar stories: how oral traditions aid understanding of maar volcanism and associated phenomena during pre-literate times. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 109(5): 1618-1631.
Nunn, P.D., Luebbers, R., Hesp, P.A., Murray-Wallace, C., Wilson, C., Bourman, R.P., Roberts, A., Moffat, I., Miot da Silva, G., Dillenburg, S.R., Tamura, T., Reilly, M. and Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporation. 2024. Calibrating Holocene human-environment interactions using ancient stories: the example of Ngurunderi in South Australia: 1-25. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology.
Nunn, P.D., Ward, I., Stéphan, P., McCallum, A., Gehrels, R., Carey, G., Clarke, A., Cook, M., Geraghty, P., Guilfoyle, D., McNeair, B., Miller, G., Nakoro, E., Reynolds, D. and Stewart, L. 2022. Human observations of Late Quaternary coastal change: examples from Australia, Europe and the Pacific Islands. Quaternary International, 638-639: 212-224.
Popular articles
Nunn, P. 2023. Memories within Myth, Aeon, 7th April 2023. Republished in American Scientist, November-December 2023 issue, volume 111(6), slightly altered with additional material. DOI: 10.1511/2023.111.6.360
Nunn, P.D. 2023. A dramatic volcano eruption changed lives in Fiji 2,500 years ago. 100 generations have kept the story alive. The Conversation, 17th August 2023. Republished slightly altered on LiveScience, 1st September 2023

Patrick D. Nunn
Fijian oral storytellers – Talatala Ilai from Bua Lomanikoro Village
*"Hof, Halls, Goðar and Dwarves: An Examination of the Ritual Space in the Pagan. Icelandic Hall,“ Cosmos 17(2001), 3-36
*“Nordic Folk Legends, Folk Traditions and Grave Mounds: The Value of
Folkloristics for the Study of Old Nordic Religions”. In New Focus on Retrospective Methods: Resuming Methodological Discussions: Case Studies from Northern Europe. Ed. Eldar Heide and Karen Bek-Pedersen. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia/ Academica Scientiarum Fennica, 2014. 17-41.
*“The Power in the Place Icelandic Álagablettir Legends in a Comparative Context.” In Storied and Supernatural Places. Studies in Spatial and Social Dimensions of Folklore and Sagas, ed. Ülo Valk and Daniel Sävborg (eds.). Studia Fennica Folkloristica 23. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society/ SKS. 2018. 27-41
“Masks and Performance in the Early Nordic World”, in Masken der Vorseit in Europa (II): International Tagung vom 19. bis. 21. November in Halle (Saale), rits. Harald Meller og Regine Maraszek (Halle (Saale): Landesamt fur Denkmalpflege und Archaologie Sachsen-Analt, 2014), 1854-196
*“The Drama of the Poetic Edda: Performance as a Means of Transformation”, in Andrzeja Dąbrówki (ed.) Progranicza teatralności: Poezja, poetyka, praktyka, Studia Staropolskie, Series Nova. (Warsaw: Instytut Badań Literackich Pan Wydawnictwo, 2011), 13-40.
*Narratives, Space and Drama: Essential Spatial Aspects Involved In
The Performance And Reception Of Oral Narrative: Folklore, An Electronic Journal vol 33 (2006), 7-26
*Legends and Landscape in the Nordic Countries. Cultural and Social History (2009), 6.3, 305-322.
The articles marked with * are available on

Terry Adrian Gunnell

Daniel Barrera Fernandez
Hernández-Escampa, M., & Barrera-Fernández, D. (2017). Architectural and Archaeological Views on Railway Heritage Conservation in Mexico. Athens Journal of Architecture, 3, 299-322.
Hernández-Escampa, M., Barrera-Fernández, D., Menchaca Campos, C., & Uruchurtu Chavarín, J. (2022). Archaeometallurgical record as tool to preserve architectural heritage information in Malaga, Spain. Human Review: International Humanities Review, 15(4), 1-16.
Quetglas-Llull, L., Barrera-Fernández, D., & Hernández-Escampa, M. (2023). Mapping Urban Integration of Archaeological Heritage. The City Centre of Malaga, Andalusia, and Spain. In K.C. Koutsopoulos, R.M. González,& D. Schmeinck (Eds.), Young Geographers: Showcasing Research Contributions in Geography (pp. 95-112). Springer.
Barrera-Fernández, D., Hernández-Escampa, M., & Hiriart Pardo, C. (2024). La integración del patrimonio arqueológico en el planeamiento urbano y la turistificación de málaga. In M.J. Márquez-Ballesteros, K. España,& C. Rosa-Jiménez (Eds.), Mediterranean Landscape in Transition. Nuevos enfoques para hacer frente a los nuevos retos sociales y medioambientales (pp. 423-436). Tirant Humanidades & Universidad de Málaga.
Hernández-Escampa, M., Barrera-Fernández, D., & Balbuena-Vázquez, A. (2024). La relevancia urbanística del patrimonio biocultural: el xoloitzcuintle. In S. Olivero Guidobono (Coord.), Materiales, técnicas, estrategias y resultados. Planteamientos humanos ante los retos socio-culturales (pp. 743-762). Dykinson.

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